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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

'A strong learning community. Pupils are proud of their school. The broad curriculum and high prior attainment of pupils lead to strong achievement.' OFSTED 2019

Get into Teaching

Wallington High School for Girls supports prospective teachers by providing high quality training and professional development that is relevant, personalised and focused on how to best support student progress.

We work closely with Teaching School Alliances, Universities and Colleges to provide high quality Initial Teacher Training placements and are committed to building strong partnerships that support all routes into teaching.

If you, any friends or family are interested in joining the teaching profession, you can find details about the provision below.

Teaching Apprenticeship Training

WHSG works with e-qualitas to deliver an apprenticeship programme which leads to QTS. A PGCE add on is also possible if you wish.

The apprenticeship programme involves both in and out of school training. As a trainee, you will get your own reduced teaching timetable as well as designated training and mentor periods. You will be paid by the school to complete the year training with further employment at the school a possibility after a school year. If you would like to complete a teaching apprenticeship, at school with extremely motivated and able students, then please fill out an application form on our vacancies page. (we don’t have an application set up via the website – I could set one up for you with a rolling end date or republish at certain times of the year) do we not have a form?

All subjects will be considered, although we are particularly interested in receiving applications to teach mathematics, science and computing.

Initial Teacher Training Provision

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At WHSG, we also work in conjunction with a range of universities and colleges to provide PGCE placements for a range of subjects. We work very closely alongside the Sutton provider of School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) based at Glenthorne High School. This is a first class provider is where the majority of our trainees are studying. More details about Sutton SCITT can be found here.

Mentoring and Support

Every trainee is assigned an experienced mentor within their subject who meets with them regularly to discuss progress. This helps students to develop individual teaching skills as well as working towards the required teaching standards. All placements are overseen by the Professional Co-ordinating Mentor, Karen Broadbent.

Professional Studies 

In addition to providing a structured induction day, we offer a programme of professional studies throughout each placement to support teaching practice. Sessions are delivered by senior members of staff or teachers and pastoral staff who have particular areas of expertise. Topics include Behaviour Management, Assessment, Special Educational Needs, Stretch and Challenge etc. In addition, all trainees are welcome to attend any training sessions that are being run for school staff during their time in school.

School Life

ITT students will be given an induction morning and welcome pack which includes the Staff Handbook and School Diary. They will also be allocated a school email address for use during their time in school. Trainees will be attached to a tutor group throughout their placement and will take part in pastoral activities. All students are encouraged to involve themselves with the life of the school, including extra-curricular activities, off-site trips and visits. Trainees will also be expected to attend whole staff briefings and CPD sessions.

We are very proud that in evaluations trainees rate the quality of their placement with us as excellent, and we welcome their feedback to help us to improve our ITT provision.


Equal Opportunities Policy

Wallington High School for Girls values diversity, and has an Equalities Policy to ensure that everyone within the school community is treated fairly, irrespective of race, gender, disability, sexuality or age.

If you require any special access arrangements, adjustments or adaptations to help you during your placement with us please let us know.


Please email any enquiries about apprenticeships at WHSG to Mr J Parkinson at

Queries about other forms of ITT and school experience should be directed to Karen Broadbent,

For more information about routes into teaching visit

Sutton SCITT: 

Government Advice: